Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Just a brief announcement:

Arae Rul posts have been on a haitus, I meant to post that here a while back, but I combination of things have kept me from working on the project for the last few months.

In the next few weeks, work will resume, but the game will not be expected to start until early January. Details will follow in December, but in the meantime, keep your eyes peeled on this blog for additional world information and background!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Basic Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay in Tempus Tempera is twofold: Open Ended Roleplaying and Table Top Strategy (without the table).

The Roleplaying segments uses very minimal rules. The Strategy segments (known as Missions), however, are very structured. This article is all about how they run.

Before a Mission starts, a few things are established: Scenario, Objectives, Initiative and Placement.

The Scenario is what we use to refer to the segment of roleplay leading up to a Mission. This is a precursor to potential objectives and lays out potential tactics and may gloss of details of the upcoming Mission.

All Missions are action segments where Players have goals or stakes in mind. Typically players will receive objectives to complete during the mission; these are typically best outcome objectives, but not always. (Ie: completing this objective will produce the best possible outcome for the character completing it) Completing Objectives earns you bonus Experience points. Players may have Alternate and Secondary Objectives, and their objectives may be contrary to those received by other players.

As Missions are turn-based, the order in which everyone acts is important. While turn order is flexible, the initial order is determined at the very beginning. Initiative is determined for Characters (unique individuals, such as Players, who usually have plot importance) and Mobs (groups of similar or generally non-unique creatures or people) in the same way.

Each Character or Mob rolls a d10, and adds to that their SPEED and their WITS. (Mobs use the lowest SPD/WIT in their group)

Whoever has the highest value for Initiative goes first. In the case of a tie, who ever has the highest SPD+WIT gets higher priority. If there is still a tie, all those tied should roll an additional d10 until they have a distinct order, then place themselves in that order in the initiative.

Players will be given the opportunity to elect their starting placement after initiative is decided. Non-Player Characters and Mobs will be placed by the GM; Player Characters and Allied Mobs are placed by their controlling Players. Characters and Mobs are placed by their position in the Initiative. The GM will illustrate a Placement Zone, where you may place you may begin.

After placement is completed, the Mission begins!

Missions: Endless Options
Missions are all about action. Once a mission starts, each Character and Mob is given an opportunity to act each round, starting from the highest on Initiative and progressing to the bottom of that list. (Even if someone's Initiative changes mid-battle, they cannot act twice in the same round,unless specifically stated otherwise; changes to initiative do not count towards turn order until the start of the round)

When a Character (or Mob) gets their turn, it's all about their actions. Specifically, how many actions they may take. There are two stats important to how many actions you can take; Speed and Wits. Speed lets you do more physical things and Wits lets you perform more mental things. Both are important. You get one Physical Action point for each point in Speed and one Mental Action point for each point in Wits; most actions will require more than one action point.

Physical Actions
Physical actions are performed using Physical Action Points alone. This includes most things like movement and simple attacks as well as anything without a significant mental component.

Mental Actions
Mental actions are done using strictly Mental Action Points. This includes anything thing primarily mental in nature, such as talking, making observations and spell casting.

Dynamic Actions
Dynamic actions are hybrid actions which are neither strictly mental or physical, and consequently consume both Mental and Physical Actions Points. This includes any kind of physical action that requires careful consideration, like called shots, operating mechanical devices, and dancing, as well as including any mental action that requires significant physical effort, like timed movements, preparatory stances and writing.

Extended Actions

Some characters may not be very fast or quick witted, but this doesn't deny them the ability to use more complicated actions. If a character performs an action that requires more Action Points (Mental or Physical) than they are alloted each round, then they may expend Action Points over multiple turns to perform their action. Once the character has spent enough Action Points to perform the ability, they execute the action. Some actions cannot be done as Extended Actions. Mobs generally cannot do Extended Actions unless the whole group is performing an Extended Action.

You cannot perform other actions of the same type while performing an Extended action. If a Character stops their Extended Action, all Action Points spent thus far are lost. Extended Actions can be interrupted by outside forces (such as being attacked mid-action); a willpower roll may be required, lest the Character stops and loses their action.

Some Examples of various actions and their cost in Action Points.

Move: Move Character of Mob Members up to 3 spaces horizontally or vertically, or up to two spaces if including a diagonal. (1 PA)
Use Simple Item: Quaff a potion, eat some food, zap a wand -- consume or activate any simple item that is ready at hand. (1 PA)
Simple Attack: Perform a basic proficient attack, such as a punch, kick, scratch or bite. (2 PA)
Power Attack: Wind up and perform a heavy attack, such as an axe kick, haymaker punch, or shoulder check. (3 PA)
Talk: Say up to 5 words. This can be in any normal volume (whisper, speak, yell). (1 MA)
Aim: Carefully analyze your target and local conditions to improve your next shot. (1MA)
Cast Lit1: Utilize the power of Lightning with this simple spell. (2 MA)
Read Level 1 Manual: Look up instructions on how to perform a simple skill you don't know. (2 MA)
Search: Search the nearby area for hidden people and items. (2 MA)
Defensive Stance: Adopt a defensive position. (1PA, 1MA)
Called Strike: Make a basic attack, aimed at somewhere specific for greater effect. (2 PA, 1MA)
Scribble Notes: Make notes on the fly. Legibility may vary. (2MA, 1PA)
Acrobatics: Make two normal movements; you can cross through spaces occupied by other people during this movement, though you must end in an unoccupied space. (2 PA, 1MA)

Interrupt Actions (Acting Out of Turn)
While very convenient, most people won't wait for you to do everything you want to do before acting themselves, and sometimes you won't want to wait yourself. This is where you need to act out of turn. Interrupt Actions are the method at which you act out of turn, and it comes in two flavors: Prepared Actions and Reflex Actions.

Prepared Actions are all about timing and precision. During your turn, you may spend Action Points to Prepare actions, which you set aside for later. You must declare what this action is as specifically as you can, even if it is currently impossible. You may use a less specific declaration, but you will be treated with a penalty to your action; extremely specific actions may be given a bonus. (For example, you can declare you are going to move to a specific point, attack a specific space, or cast a spell at a creature that is still out of range. 'Attack an enemy' would be given a penalty to its check, where 'Cast Lit2 at the second Nyghre while he's occupying THAT space' would be given a bonus.)

At any point turn the rest of the round, you may declare your Interrupt and perform your action. Unless your action will have an immediate effect on other actions already in progress, it will be delayed until all current actions are resolved.

If you prepare multiple actions, they must be performed in order. You may do multiple interrupts at completely different times, but they actions themselves must be done in the order they were prepared. You may skip a prepared action, but skipped actions are discarded and lost. And unused prepared actions are lost once your turn resumes. You may only prepare as many actions as you have Wits. (For example, you could prepare Move, Attack, Move, Drink Potion. You could Move and Drink the Potion, Move Twice, or Attack, Move and Drink the Potion. But you could not Drink the Potion and then Move.)

Reflex Actions are performed spontaneously and always with risk. A character with unspent Mental Action Points may attempt to perform a Reflex Action out of turn. You may interrupt any action in your line of sight for a Reflex Action.

To perform a Reflex Action, you declare your interrupt and roll a d10. If the result is equal to or less than how many Mental Action Points you have remaining, you may spend one Mental Action Point in addition to the cost of whichever action you wish to perform, then execute your action immediately. If the roll is higher than the number of Mental Action Points you have remaining, all your remaining Mental Action Points are depleted and you lose d4 Mental and D4 Physical Action Points next turn.

Some kinds of actions can't be interrupted. Some actions can only be used as an interrupt (such as Counter Attack). Divine Powers can only be interrupted by other Divine Powers.

Unused Physical Action Points contribute a +1 bonus per point to your DEF. Unspent Mental Action Points can be spent to improve your initiative by one per point for next turn.

A mission ends when each of the main objectives are undeniably completed or failed. This may mean victory, or all Player Characters are rendered unconscious. Any secondary or personal objectives left incomplete when the mission ends are generally considered failed, though exceptions will occur.

Missions are generally followed by a roleplaying segment which will lead to some length of in-game downtime. At this point, any experience points and leveling will be completed.

Addendum I: Skill Types
There are several kinds of skills in Tempus Tempera, some of which are characterized more in some Skill Sets than in others. Each of these skill types have their own generic properties which apply to all skills of that type, though many skills have differences, exceptions and unique factors which apply only to themselves and are dealt with on a skill to skill basis.

Physical, Mental and Dynamic Skills
These skills are what they sound like. Performed as Physical, Mental or Dynamic Actions, these are generally basic skills. Physical Skills require a skill check based on one of the physical stats, STR, DEX, or SPD. Mental Skills require a skill check based on mental stats, INT or WIT. Dynamic Skills use whatever is most predominant, though they may require a Compound Check (Where two stats are tested for the skill by adding them together and dividing in half for an average). Dynamic skills are found across the board, though Ascendants typically see less Physical Skills and Monsters typically see less Mental Skills.

Social Skills
Often more indirect than other skills, Social Skills are generally based on impressions. While often fitting the category of Dynamic Skills, Social Skills virtually always reference CHA in their skill checks. These skills are often seen in a few general flavors, including Charming, Manipulating and Performing. Charming skills are more common amongst Monsters, Manipulating Skills are more frequently seen amongst Ascendants, and Performing Skills amongst Humans, though the individual lines between these skills are blurry, and each race has access to some of each.

Almost exclusive to Monsters, Bonuses are not skills within themselves and almost never require checks. Bonuses are normally always on, and offer a flat benefit to another stat or skill. On a few occasion Bonuses are circumstantial and may only work if a particular requirement is met.

Supernatural Abilities

Strange abilities that defy the physical order, Supernatural Abilities are potent and unique. They come in three main varieties; Aura, Activated, and Burst. Auras are always on; they have an effect that is continuous and generally applies within an area of effect of the person with the ability. Activated Supernatural Abilities are similar to Auras, but they are typically toggled on or off, though they occasionally are turned on and allowed to burn out. Bursts are one shot effects, more like other skills.

Auras only require check to suppress or assert, both of which are temporary. In each case they rely on willpower -- suppression is the more common use, to shut your ability down for a bit. Sometimes Auras can be externally suppressed, and willpower roll can be used to reassert it.

Activated skills normally require a check to assert. Sometimes these abilities may impose a penalty or cost in their activation, or some similar drawback which typically reflects how powerful the ability is.

Bursts almost always require a check. These are often aggressive abilities, and may require both a check to manifest as well as one to target a location or person. More potent bursts may require a cost.

Supernatural abilities are rarely seen amongst Humans, and are very common amongst Ascendants.

Magic is quite common on Arae Rul. These powers abide by natural law not present in our world. Spells are in majority entirely Mental Actions, but that's not always the case. Different races, different sub-groups, different people cast spells differently. Spells will require the same roll from that same person each time, but between people they can be completely different.

Magic spells consume Spell Points. Each spell has a level, which indicates its cost to cast; For every level a spell has, it costs 5 Magic Points to cast. Level one spells cost 5, level 5 spells cost 25. These points are consumed when the spell casting is complete. If the spell is fails, only half (rounded up) of the MP is consumed. At the start of your turn, you get back 20% of your MP.

Addendum II: Skill Ranks and Proficiency
Not everyone can do everything, there are limits. For that reason, skills are usually measured in Ranks. Ranks in skills measure from 0 to 10 and 'P', and are earned from your Skill Sets. Rank 'P' is for proficiency; characters with Rank 'P' may use a skill, but earn no bonus for it. Characters can sometimes attempt skills they do not have, but they will be at a penalty based on their race. Monsters and Half Monsters suffer a -5 penalty, Humans suffer -4, Ascendants and Half Ascendants suffer a -3. People with rank 'P' do not suffer these penalties.

Addendum III: Skill Checks
What do most all skills have in common? Checks!
Most everything in Tempus Tempera is based around Checks. Checks, or Rolls, determine weather or not the actions you attempt succeed or fail and if they do, by how much. All Checks are done in the same fashion and in two parts; Attempt and Effectiveness.

Attempts are determining what happens when you try to do something. Do you manage to execute your action, or does it fail? First, identify the skill you're attempting and how many ranks you have in that skill, as well as what stat(s) you need to check.

For example, a Monster has two ranks in the attack skill 'Claw'. Because this is an attack, the character is rolling to hit something and the DEX stat (for accuracy) is checked, which in this case is 3.

Once you know your ranks and the appropriate stat, apply and bonuses, penalties or other modifiers that are currently effecting your character. Then you need to establish the Difficulty, which is done by the GM.

Back to our example, the creature being attacked has a DEF of 2, and was running this past turn. The GM decides that the moving target gets a +5 DEF bonus for being so swift, making the difficulty for this action 7. Our attacker has no other modifiers, so a d10 is rolled and added to the Monster's ranks in Claw and DEX. This is an easy hit, and our Monster rolled a three which spells success! 2 (Claw) + 3 (DEX) + 3 (1d10) beats 2 (DEF) + 5 (Mod); 8 beats 7.

Whenever your beat your difficulty, your action succeeds. Sometimes there will be Versus Actions, which set their difficulty on a roll by another character (such as with grappling).

For example: Two Humans are wrestling, the first has 1 rank in Grappling, the other has none. Their respective strengths are 3 and 5. The first Human initiates the grapple and rolls his d10, netting 9(1+3+5). His opponent resists, rolling as well and netting 10(-4+5+9). The defender wins and the grapple fails.

Criticals: The Power of Zero
When rolling an attempt, every once in a while, the zero (or ten) will show up on the die. When this happens, roll another d10. If the result is between 1-3 or 8-10, the action succeeds or fails critically. (Some abilities and effects will change these ranges.) If the remaining4-7 shows up instead, reroll the die and use the value that shows up. (zero/ten counts as ten)

One the 1-3 is a Critical Failure (also known as botching). Here, something went drastically wrong, and there'll be consequences! The effects vary based on the skill and the severity of the failure, which require an Effectiveness roll. The GM will interpret the result. On the other hand, a Critical Success (also known as a crit) is a sign that luck is shining in your favor as things went better than planned. Like a botch, crits require an effectiveness roll to determine their additional benefits.


When an action succeeds, you get to see how profoundly it works. Despite doing everything right, sometimes you may still have no effect.

Back to our Monster Example, our Monster friend rolls Effectiveness to see how much damage he deals to his target. For this he gets to use his Strength (2) and his claws get him a +2 bonus again. He rolls a 4 on the d10 and nets a result of 9 damage! Unfortunately, his target has a soak of 12, and nothing happens. Soak reduces the Effectiveness of damage, leaving our Monster with an effectiveness of zero on this action.

Some actions may require a different die or dice for effectiveness. In combat, for example, fists normally use d8 for effectiveness where normal claws use d10 and sharp claws use d12!

In some actions success or failure is all that matters and Effectiveness is ignored. Otherwise, the measure of Effectiveness is interpreted by the GM who explains the results of the action. Sometimes Effectiveness is rolled for failed actions to gauge how badly they slipped up -- this can sometimes net a bonus if the same character tries the action again.

Addendum IV: Inventory and Items
Almost everyone has stuff, some of which might come in handy when you lug it about. Using items is often the key between achieving your goals and failing.

The Pack
Every Character is assumed to have an Inventory, also called their Pack. You may be lugging around a bag or a knapsack, the Pack is with you all the time, though even if you're nude! (Don't ask where they're storing those things!)

By default, everyone has a pack that holds 5 items. There are some abilities and items that can increase this limit. Some items, like rations for example, can stack, fitting up to five of the same item in the same slot in your Pack. Some items will be denoted as 'big', 'very big', 'huge' or 'enormous', which indicates that they take up 2, 3, 4 or 5 slots on their own. Most items will only take up one slot.

Of course, stowing things in your Pack makes it easy to travel, but not convenient to pull out on the fly. During Missions you can access your Pack (Search Inventory), which costs 4 Physical Action Points, and put in or take out anything you want. You may also spend 1 Mental Action Point and 2 Physical Action Points (Quick Stash) to take out up to one item and put in up to one item.

Ready Items and Hands
Of course, not everything you carry will be in your Pack; you'll likely be carrying things too, either in your hands or otherwise at the ready. Any items you have immediate access to are called Ready Items.

Ready Items include wielded weapons, things in your offhand, and things worn about the body that are not equipment (ie: clothes, armor, etc) of some kind. Most items can't be worn, but some special items and equipment can be combined with others to make them wearable (like a sheath). Ready Items can be used so long as you have hands free to manipulate them.

Hands are another important factor. Each hand normal hand can hold two slots of items. If a hand is unoccupied, it can manipulate objects without trouble. If one of the slots is consumed, you can manipulate objects, but at a -3 penalty. If both slots are full, you'll have to drop or put away the items to use your hand.

Most people have only two hands, meaning four items tops. Some abilities will modify the properties of your hands. Some Ascendants can use their telekinesis to carry additional ready items, and some Monsters have more than two hands naturally. On the other hand, some Monsters have claws which reduce the slots available to their hands by one permanently (this normally leaves them with a permanent -3 penalty to manual dexterity checks) and some Humans and Ascendants alike have suffered hand injuries with similar consequences.

And that... Should be the basics of gameplay! Hooray!
Questions? Comments? Need clarification? Just ask here!
[Next Up: Island Overview, then the Character Creation Guide!]

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Lady

(Sorry I'm taking so long to get the mechanics written up. To make up for it, here is some more fluff.)

She shines with holy light and her smile can command the hearts of even the most bitter, most hardened and most apethetic people amongst the lands of Arae Rul. Her beauty and grace is unsurpassed, for She is the Lady, the most potent Goddess and patron of the Island.

In ages long since lost, Nyghres and tainted creatures roved the landscape of Arae Rul. Small pockets of Monsters lived in the outskirts of the Great Dark Wood who viciously fought to keep their own safe. The oldest Ascendants built their first walled cities atop great hills east of the lowlands and they kept careful watch day and night for if their vigilance ever faultered, they would soon be no more.

It is said that on one holy night, the night that the Monsters celebrate today with their Latern Festival, a great light shone forth from the north and the earth shook with vigor. Monsters and Ascendants alike risked a dangerous journey to investiage, valiently meeting side by side and clearing a path through the meanacing black creatures that blocked their way.

When they reached the rocky Northern Plains, they found her atop the tallest of the sleet hills. Innocent and fair, yet wise and strong, none questioned the divine authority of The Lady; her love was nearly tangable, each and every one could feel it, warm, even and unconditional. Her soothing light kept most of the Nyghres at bay, allowing the wary and worn travelers rest under her loving protection.

She was the first and greatest god to make her presence known to the lands. She lent her powers to the best and bravest of the lands and they went forth on a mighty crusade to make the lands of Arae Rul safe for all of its residents. After the first valient journey by these warriors, they divided. The Ascendants began to persue methods to keep the Nyghres away completely, and ways to further aid their Monster allies in the fight. The Monsters remained impassioned in the fight and, with their greatest Warrior at the lead, they broke in to 15 groups of two or three vowing to find and destroy the black creatures wherever they hide. They were ordained under the light of the Lady, becoming the first of the Lanterns.

Many good and prosperous seasons followed. The Lady began to change those sleet hills where She had descended to the earth in to a glorious and beautiful paradise. Showing their appeciation for Her aide and love, many journied to those hills and together they began to build thier Goddess a palace befitting her beauty. The Great Keep was an enormous place that gleamed in the summer sun like platinum. It stood as a beacon of hope and comfort that you could see from any tall hill in the land. But before the palace could be completed, The Lady stood before her people and in a crystal voice, lovelier than the finest singing bird, she told them that she must leave Arae Rul, if only for a time. The people begged her to stay, but she could not. On the night before she left, she made her people promise that they would continue their righteous work to protect each other and keep their lands safe.

With a brilliant flash, The Lady departed from Arae Rul, but Her love echoed onwards. They say that on the night She left, the island iteself felt the chill of sorrow and for the first time ever, it snowed across the whole expanse of Arae-Rul.

Generations passed, and her devout diligently continued labors to complete Her palace. The Keep was one of the safest places on the island from any danger. Some speculated that the Nyghres remained afraid of the lingering power that bathed the area. Time stretched on, and some became fearful that The Lady would not return. Then, on one evening as the sun set, the sky lit with a golden cast, a star descended from the sky. A bright flash expanded to envelop the courtyard of the Great Keep. The few elders that were there before She had left immediately recognized the warmth that bathed them, and She had returned.

It was a golden era. The Monsters had purged most of the Nyghres that brashly pushed forth in to the light, and they were slowly closing in on the difficult to reach areas in the deep woods. The Ascendants had founded the first of many Great Libraries and their knowledge had grown impressively. It seemed all was good, and The Lady had returned, bareing a gift for the people.

The stories are conflicting here -- some say that She took the most devout of both the Ascendants and Monsters and changed them, a rare few say that She placed them together, and most say that She merely used Her power to create from the land itself. Whichever the case, that day the first Humans walked forth as The Lady's children. They were not favored or loved any greater, but they possessed a similar visage to The Lady, and they shared Her inquizitive nature and charming disposition, and they were welcomed by Monster and Ascendant alike as Kin of the land.

At least three generations felt the warmth of The Lady's love before she needed to depart again. Again, the sadness of the people was overwhelming, but nothing could be done. For the second time, a blanket of snow fell across every corner of the island.

The stories of the third visit by The Lady are less clear, but it is understood that it ended in tradgedy. There's dark and terrible stories of a traitor, an errant who could not feel the love of The Lady and resented his personal loneliness. Some terrible incident occured, and this time when The Lady departed so suddenly from the land, it with not merely with a flash, but with an explosion. The Great Keep was torn asunder, ripped apart and turned from a beautiful palace in to a sorrowful ruin. It is said to have snowed for days; ruining the crops and leaving the people terribly short of food for weeks.

That was a great long time ago. There are mixed beliefs as to what has happened and what the future holds in store. Many belief that The Lady is merely recouperating and will some day return to the people of Arae Rul. Some believe She now watches only from afar and will return only when Her people truely need her (or when the world is comming to an end, to save the faithful). Some believe She now resides in the kingdom beyond life and that the good and righteous will one day again bask in Her love. Some even believe that on rare occasions, The Lady visits in Secret, her return marked by a falling star and her departure bringing snow.

Few believe that She was struck dead that day, that some terrible demon weapon ended Her light permenantly that day. There's even a growing number of people who believe that The Lady is nothing more than an old story; a myth about the forgotten days. While most are convinced that She was real, the possibility that she was not is being considered with greater and greater conviction.

This doesn't stop some though. In the times of Tempus Tempera, there are many informal worships of The Lady, and a few particular organizations, some with conflicting beliefs. This includes The Church of the Lady, Her Divine Light, The Children of The Lady and The Righteous Devout.

Real or not, The Lady remains the only god who has ever been reported (or depicted) as setting foot on the ground of Arae Rul, and is generally considered to be the Creator, a protector, and the most powerful of all gods.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007


"They're naught but ash. They can seep in through the smallest crack, ride the wind to any corner of the world and are borne of the cinders of burning villages. They lurk in the deepest of shadows, and even if I cannot cleanse our island of them, I shall not let their evil consume our homes."
-- Eivier, The First Watchman

Black as night and appearing in nearly any size when least expected, Nyghres are the bane of all life on Arae-Rul. Mindless, ruthless and violent, Nyghres appear anywhere, only to cause all sorts of damage, seemingly without cause or reason.

Early on, it was believed that Nyghres were a particular breed of Wild Monster, but early researchers soon decided otherwise. Nyghres exhibit no need for food; they cluster in 'nests', typically in long forgotten places, but they don't seem to breed. They destroy indescriminately, but they don't collect resources of any kind; they merely leave a wake of bodies and destruction behind them. The only thing they won't attack (intentionally) is another Nyghre, though they show no fondness for each other.

Early on, there was no stopping them. They struck in numbers without warning, razing whole cities. Legend has it that they are the only thing in existance that can harm the Lady.

Nyghres can appear in almost any shape or size, and in any number. It's generally believed that larger ones are grown from smaller ones, though that isn't definitively known. They're easily identified by their charcoal-like flesh and obsidian eyes. They sometimes seem to possess supernatural abilities, but few reports of such are confirmed.

It isn't known where they come from, which spawns a great deal of legend. Some say they are angry souls rising from their graves to seek satisfaction. Others believe they are borne of the deepest shadows, come to life to cover the world in darkness. Others still believe they are the ash of fires that are set of malice or that cause suffering. Regardless of where they come from, they are a universal threat to everyone in Arae-Rul, and when they appear, the bravest raise to arms to stop them. There are two formal organizations for combatting Nyghres; the Watchmen (a primarily human organization, most strongly based in Delta Etebre who work to be defensively) and the Lanterns (a mostly Monster group that actively seeks out Nyghres wherever they dwell to destroy them).

While a terrible menace, the Nyghres aren't even a monthly threat. Some people become complacent, thinking they'll never see the creatures, or that they won't return, but they always seem to be there when they can cause the most damage...

Player Builds

Hey Everyone;

Knowing that people are looking forwards to this campaign, I am working hard to get things going. While you're still waiting for the Game Mechanics article (Tomorrow, hopefully!) and the Character Creation Guide (This weekend!), I decided to make this thread to make character confirmations on basic design, persona and background.

So Far, the roster consists of;

Vinay - Human, Scholar/Strategist
Scott - Half-Ascendant, Playboy/Discord
Scott - Ascendant, Insight/Manipulation
Danny - Human, Fabricator/Woodsman
Ben - Monster, Marguay/Cloak
Mike - Half-Monster, Boar/Hunter

That's what I have recorded. I still need to go through each of you and make clarifications on your history and the like. I'll be posting articles on each of the provinces in the future, but it'll be a little while before I can get to those, even if they offer pertinant information for characters. The world is still a bit flexible, so if there's a particular kind of local you'd like in your history, you might not have to compromise much or at all.

If there's any errors to what I have listed here, correct them! I have a sneaking supicious I've forgotten someone... Please feel free to use this thread to discuss your characters! (I know it's been done in two previous threads already, but this just helps to keep them in one place)

Creation Ready Characters: Joachim (Vinay), Jack (Scott)
Pending Aproval: Zaeph (Ben), ? (Danny), ? (Scott), ? (Mike)

Friday, June 22, 2007


Before you get in to Character Creation, it's important to understand the Stats that we look at for Tempus Tempera.

There are 12 statistics that define a character in the Tempus Tempera Era of Arae Rul. Strength, Dexterity, Speed, Intelligence, Wits, Charisma, Defense, Soak, Hit Points, Magic Points, Willpower, and sometimes Divine Power. All of these Stats are explained in depth below.

Strength (STR)
Strength is a character’s physical might. Strong characters can do more damage in combat, push and pull more weight, and perform feats of might that weaker characters cannot.

Dexterity (DEX)
Dexterity is a measure of a character’s accuracy of movement and agility. A more dexterous character is more accurate at range and can perform more delicate, accurate movements than clumsier characters.

Speed (SPD)
Speed is a measure of how physically quick a character is. The faster a character is the more physical actions they may take per turn.

Intelligence (INT)
Intelligence is all about how smart a character is. More intelligent characters are better with magic and more proficient with thinking skills.

Wits (WIT)
Wits shows how quickly a character thinks. Like speed, the wittier a character is the more mental actions they make take per turn.

Charisma (CHA)
Charisma is a general measurement of how likeable a character is and how much force of personality they posses. Charismatic characters are better diplomatically and socially.

Defense (DEF)
Defense is how tough it is to hit a character. You also gain a bonus to this stat equal to (DEX + WITS) / 2.

Soak (SK)
Soak is a character’s resistance to damage. When you take damage, it gets reduced by your Soak before you subtract it from your Hit Points.

Hit Points (HP)
Hit points are how tough a character is. When a character reaches zero hit points, they pass out. Some attacks may temporarily reduce your maximum hit points – if a character’s Max HP reaches zero, they die.

Magic Points (MP)
Magic points represent how much magic influence that character has. Spells consume MP, which recovers slowly.

Willpower (WP)
Willpower shows how willful a person is. Willpower is rolled to resist being forcible persuaded and can be spent to make rerolls, gain bonuses, perform additional actions and resist damage above their normal tolerance. Willpower is regained when a character is in a situation that reaffirms their persona.

Divine Power (DP)
Divine Power is a mysterious force, far more powerful than magic in the world of Arae Rul. It is used to unleash the incredible force of the Divine Powers. How you acquire it and how it is replenished is unknown.

Addendum: Particulars
Most of the stats in this system are straight forwards. Strength, Dexterity, Speed, Intelligence, Wits and Charisma all function without complication. The rest all have some peculiarities that should be clarified.

Defense and Soak: These stats are naturally zero. You may put points in to them like any other stat however. Defense is always at least 1, as DEX and WIT must be at least one, getting you a net +1 bonus to Defense by default.

Hit Points: This is perhaps the most complicated, as it's three stats rolled up -- HPS, HPC and HPM. HPS is the Hit Point Stat, which is measured like STR, DEX or any normal stat, and has a minimum of 1. Any Versus HP rolls are looking for HPS. HPM is the Hit Point Max, which determines how much pain your character can take before passing out and dying. Some attacks and abilities lower your HPM; if your HPM hits zero, you're dead. HPM is normally your HP times 5, plus 1 per level. HPC is your current HP. It can never be higher than your HPM. Most attacks will damage HPC, and if it reaches zero, you lose consciousness.

Willpower: Willpower is a very potent stat and can allow you to perform feats above and beyond your normal capabilities. There are some roleplaying qualifiers to the use to WP -- spending WP represents fierce determination or need. It provides that extra boost of adrenaline, that extra bit of planning or that vital change of fortune, and it can't be expended willy-nilly. Similarly, a character with high WP is willful, self assured and confident, but using your WP is draining. If you use it all up, you will become unsure, compliant and doubtful. The more WP you have unspent, the more self assured you will be. Any abilities or checks that look at WP only look at unspent WP.

And that should be all the necessary foot-notes. Next; Game play mechanics!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Human, and yet not; neither Monster nor Ascendant, and yet they are -- in part. Blurring the harsh divisions between races and cultures, Half-Breeds occupy a special place in the landscape of Arae Rul.

A curious blend between civil Humans and unrestrained Monsters, Half-Monsters are perhaps the more comfortable of the two half breeds. They tend to be passionate, intense people (though this isn't always the case, dependent on their Monster half) who are seen as wild or undisciplined to most Humans. Their interactions with Humans and Monsters are for the most part unimpeded; Monsters see them as one of their own (although they are sometimes playfully teased for being calm, inhibited and meticulous, compared to other Monsters), Humans typically see them for what they are and treat them fairly as equals, but interlopers. They are seen by Ascendants as no different from Monsters, if perhaps a tad more agreeable. They appear significantly more humanoid than full blood Monsters.

Half-Monsters might not have as much of the potency of Monsters or all the skill and cleverness of a Human, but they combine the pieces of each they have in to a remarkable level of effectiveness. They possess both Aspects and Jobs, though are less effective with each than each respective half of their bloodline.

Seeming somewhat cold and distant to Humans, and appearing vibrant and outspoken to Ascendants, Half-Ascendants are the slightly troubled bunch. While they tend to be highly intelligent, and they're significantly more grounded than the average Ascendant, they're also not as welcome by their own progenitors as readily as Half-Monsters are.

Half-Ascendants don't exhibit the telekinetic prowess that their full-blood counterparts do; some can exhibit the ability, often only with great concentration and the exertion of will. Those who train for long enough may eventually be able to make use of it, and a few rare cases exist where they are born with the skill. They do, like Half-Monsters, have access to Jobs and unlike their counterparts they have Disciplines as well. Half-Ascendants tend to act like bags-of-tricks -- they rely on their Human skills for basic operation, then use their Disciplines at their absolute optimum.

Half-Ascendants are well received by Humans who are already engaged with Ascendants or those who are highly learned. Those with little exposure to them may be a little offset by their slightly distant and cool demeanor. Monsters will often assume that Half-Ascendants are either Human or Ascendant, depending on how visible their Discipline marks are. (Of course, most Monsters will assume a Human is an Ascendant if they got tattoos emulating the marks) Ascendants have no difficulty placing Half-Ascendants as interlopers, though. Some Ascendants like their half-brethren for being warm and passionate about more than their research, for being frank and open and for helping to shake things up. More Ascendants hate them for the same reasons. As such, depending on where they grow up, Half-Ascendants may be quite the outcasts.

Ascendants do have a word for their half-blood relatives, Aszem, which means 'Chosen Scholar' -- this is a term complimentary to the human half of the parentage, and is generally polite. 'Baehzu' is the less polite term, meaning 'Blood of the Tainted' and is used more or less exclusively as an insult.

Humans may interbreed with both Monsters and Ascendants, while Ascendants and Monsters cannot breed with each other at all. Half-Breeds are fertile, and can continue to have children. Two half-breeds of one kind will typically produce the same kind of half-breed, but they may also produce a pureblood of one kind or another. Two opposing half-breeds may mate, but they will have a lower chance of conception. In a successful case of opposing breed mating, the most likely case is a Human child, but a half-breed of one type of the other is also possible.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Keepers of secret knowledge and pursuers of truth, Ascendants are the natural researchers of Arae Rul. To outsiders, they are secretive and mysterious, but to their own they are ruthlessly competitive and honorable in their own ways. They for the most part appear Human, though they have a wider variety of hair colours (typically light colours, greyish tones or black), highly diverse eyes (which may include them appearing as a solid colour, being reflective or metallic, having no pupil, no iris or exaggerated irises as well as additional potential differences; note, they are never heterochromatic) and patterns along their skin, which may be concealable.

Ascendants usually go by the name 'Ascendants', as it is what they call themselves in the common tongue. Monsters typically see them as merely 'different' Humans and have nicknames like the 'Marked', 'Lifted' and 'Spirited' to differentiate them from Humans. Humans often call them 'Librarians' and 'Sages' to reflect the unusual drive of Ascendants to seek and guard knowledge.

Where Monsters are highly diverse, Ascendants tend to be fairly uniform at first observation. Most predominantly, virtually all Ascendants exhibit some amount of Telekinesis which comes to them naturally. This is in normally exhibited in two ways; first (and most easily noticed) is how Ascendants tend to Float wherever they travel. They can lift themselves a few inches from the ground and move at speeds equivalent to those on foot with similar exertion. Secondly, they normally manipulate objects at a short distance without actually touching them. The benefits of this ability is fairly mild as it merely extends their reach a few inches at best and doesn't allow them to carry anything more than by hand, but particularly experienced and powerful Ascendants are capable of manipulating liquids and gasses this way.

What Ascendants are best known for, however is their Disciplines. Also known as Paths, these are powerful methods of understanding that, with some training and practice, come naturally to Ascendants. These Disciplines grant access to potent magics and powerful abilities unlike anything else. Based around non-physical concepts and ideas, (such as Light, Control, Coincidence and Equality) Disciplines typically offer a large assortment of very specific and very potent abilities.

It's understood that Ascendants typically develop their Disciplines based on their interests, and the Paths make a good indication for what kind of research any particular Ascendant is persuing. As the Disciplines are practiced and perfected, they begin to form tattoo patterns of various colours on the skin of the Ascendant. These are called 'Sopherim' and are typically monochromatic, intricate and abstract, but they can be used to identify the particular Disciplines that an individual practices -- similar Disciplines usually have similar patterns. In some cases, these patterns could be bio-luminescent, reflective or metallic looking, which are generally indication of notably potent Disciplines. Larger patterns that span more of their bodies may also be indicative of more powerful Disciplines; the patterns may appear to grow or spread as the Ascendant becomes more potent.

Ascendants are known for having the harshest, most impersonal law, which is littered with long, arcane rules which have been decided over the ages. They follow the letter of their law as strictly as they can, and thing are decided upon by democratic vote. The laws are all recorded in the Evess Vericium, the definitive law book of the Ascendants. (In truth, the book is dozens of volumes long as no laws are ever removed from the record, but rather newer laws are enacted that overturn older ones. This makes being proficient in Ascendant law both an exercise in memory and patience.)

All major decisions are decided upon by free vote in which every citizen is allowed to participate. In key political situations, as much as 95% of the resident Ascendants can be expected to make their vote. The system also allows individuals to register another to vote in their stead, which is how the day-to-day operations of the various Ascendant cities are excecuted. Councils are often developed through those who spend their day to day lives running the beaurocracy and politics of the city, the most renowned of which is the Ceilum Ivessae, or 'Ivory Council', who preside over the capital city in Decephri Libri Province.

The punishments for crimes under this law are harsh, though the execution is a rare occurrence. Many of those who are found guilty under the Evess Vericium and made to be indentured servants, either to the victim or to the city itself. The measure of harshness of the law is the length of the sentence.

There are many subtleties to the Ascendant culture and train of through which originates from, primarily, their uniformity or so it is believed. Since, unlike Humans and Monsters, Ascendants have a single common skin tone (a pale tan), all share an exceptionally similar, mostly androgenous build and all fit within a very narrow heigh spectrum (Adults at 5' 8" - 6'4"; women sometimes as short as 5' 6", men sometimes as tall as 6'5"), they've come to focus on the subtle differences to set them apart. This means that the common aesthetics amongst Ascendants is all about subtly and detail, not about bright colours, contrast or more wild differences. Some Humans and most Monsters find their clothings and art styling to be very plain and reserved, while Ascendants often find outside culture to very garish and unrefined. This interest in details is something that is found all throughout their culture; nuances and subtly is its cornerstone.

Perhaps one of the most quickly observed aspects of Ascendant culture is their fierce independent nature. Ascendants do not ask for help; it's commonly believed that each Ascendant should be capable enough to approach any task and solve it. If they cannot because the task is too difficult, they are foolish for taking on such a difficult task. ('Vourrel' is the word for this kind of fool) If they are merely unprepared, they are a fool for not thinking ahead. ('Prellel' is the word for this kind of fool) Requesting aid from another is nearly always done for the sake of efficiency, sometimes for a 'specialists touch', (an honorable request, not unlike asking to hear a master Pianist play) occasionally for when the request relates to the field of interest of another, and on a rare occasion as an insult. (asking someone of lower station to do the work that doesn't interest you)

Even early on in youth, Ascendant children are left alone for most of their day to day tasks as soon as they are capable of doing so. The only exception to this fierce independence is the Student/Teacher relationship, which is honored as a highly sacred bond. As soon as children demonstrate the level of understanding necessary, they are sent to study under the tutelage of the most capable teacher who will accept them (This is often a matter of politics) to learn their first Disciplines. If they show particular interest or insight in to a certain field, specific teachers may be sought out.

Adult Ascendants may on occasion seek another out as a teacher; unlike in their youth, this is not a light undertaking. To request someone teach you is a very humbling request, but it is also one that bestows great respect on the one you ask. Teachers may refuse potential students and doing so is a harsh insult. For a child it implies a lack of importance or perceived potential; for an adult it is a harsh blow of the same kind, but the ramifications are much worse as it is typically based on observation and not prediction. In either case, being a student is a subservient position to a teacher. Typically they teach by exposing you to their research and demanding comprehension. The style of teaching varies by individual though. It is worth mentioning here that Ascendants are not taught their Disciplines specifically, but they are taught how to understand them and how to develop them; it's more of teaching how to learn than teaching specific material.

Most Ascendants do not question their drive to understand. Those who have spent philosophical thought on the subject mostly conclude it to be a natural drive, and thusly a desire of the Lady. The culture and industry of Ascendants revolves around research. There are dozens of words for research, including things like Vitaeverum, meaning 'Blood of Insight' and Hebreos, or 'Text of Meaning'. Verschundre, a related word meaning 'One without direction', which specifically refers to an Ascendant with no motivation to pursue research, is perhaps the most offensive word in their tongue. Regardless of what they do, there's no clear 'why' -- while everyone benefits from the spectacular libraries in Decephri Libri, there is no coordination or innate direction to all of this discovery. Some of it is useful, some of it inane. But it's all recorded and placed in those marble halls for others.

Knowledge is one of those things that Ascendants have an unquestioned respect for. Nothing is taboo, nothing is forbidden. It's as though they wish for all knowledge in existence to fill the library halls. All but the most rash of the Ascendants will take pause when potential knowledge is at stake. It's for this reason that Humans and Ascendants can often get along in a mutual pursuit of knowledge.

Ascendants also have a (mostly) unspoken code of ethics, which relates almost strictly to courtesy. While there's no strict rules, it essentially broils down to 'Don't unnecessarily inconvenience others'. For example, there's usually only just enough stores to meet demand in Ascendant cities, because shop keeps won't needlessly compete with each other. Additionally, it's seen as very offensive to challenge someone of greater station than yourself, even in trivial circumstances. This of course is done fairly frequently as a method of gaining station in the Ascendant political arena.

Politics in Ascendant cities are often seen as dry to casual observers but it is anything but. At least weekly, sessions are convened to discuss the going politics and these session are open to all citizens. Most however offer their say to whoever represents their opinions best. Since many of these Representatives make their lives of politics, they spend their time earning the favor of the masses and learning about those who oppose their agendas. The arena seems dry, only because all the action is nuanced and subtle. A grave insult may come in a slight mispronunciation. The killing blow could be avoiding eye contact. A proposal could be a peace offering. But do not for a minute come to believe that Ascendant politics is anything less than ruthless and cutthroat. There's merely a smile on top.

Finally, there's one additional major component to Ascendant culture. Although not universal, the vast majority of Ascendants have something of a superiority complex. They seem themselves, as a race, as better than Humans and particularly Monsters. While this normally doesn't go beyond casual prejudice, there are more than a few Ascendants that excel quite comfortably in to full blown discrimination. This view is typically one way, and it can create an unfortunate amount of friction between groups.

Ascendants are the only race of Arae Rul to have their own language, 'Librium'. It's deeply nuanced and doesn't comfortably allow for slang, or anything less than perfect form. It hasn't been observed to change through out recorded history, unlike the common tongue, which many speculate is because the language itself is divine. The origins of the language are a tad unclear.

Due to this lingual influence, Ascendants are typically quite proper when they speak. They usually stick well to the rules as though they are written in stone, and they dislike the use of slang. All Ascendants are bilingual and often use Librium to discuss things secretly. Very few Humans speak the language and some believe Monsters are entirely unable to understand it.

Similarly, Librium has a mirror in written language, which is the language used for all the books in the great marble libraries. It's a difficult type to read, but it is also beautiful to behold and easy to identify.

Ascendants primarily occupy Dephri Libri Province -- this is their home and it's where they erected their cities many centuries ago. The Province, which consists of two small islands sitting in Path Lake, Libri Umelus and Libri Commune. Umelus is the 'Common City', which allows more travel and outsiders. It contains many research institutions and libraries, and is generally a high traffic place -- many arrive here looking for goods only Ascendants can produce.

Libri Commune is the city most Ascendants call home. It's a very well protected private place. Very few outsiders are allowed in this place and nearly none may wander without escort. This is where they keep the Great Libraries; records of the most important and most comprehensive research of their people. It is also where they keep the Evess Vericium, which has its own small hall. The city is quiet and full of whispers, where the residents are either lost in their research or carefully stalking political prey.

Outside of Decephri Libri, Ascendants can be found most everywhere in small numbers. They study every corner of Arae Rul they can, which usually means there's a few of them every here and there. In particular, there are higher concentrations of Ascendants in Land's End Province, Oversight Province and Distance Province. There are very few in Lowland Province, Land's Finger Province, and Dark Wood Province.


Addendum: Discipline Example
To help explain Disciplines, as they seem less clear than Jobs and Aspects, here is a demo.

Heart Discipline
First Rank:
Cure 2 (Spell) [Restores HP damage]
Heal 2 (Spell) [Restores Status Effects]
Strong Heart (Supernatural Ability) (1/10) [Reduces risk of Overexertion]
Empathic Sight (Supernatural Ability) [Detect Emotions]
Bleeding Heart (Supernatural Ability) [Inspire Empathy]

Second Rank:
Heal 5 (Spell)
Strong Heart (SnA) (3/10)
Cardiac Arrest (SnA) (3/10) [Attack; damage + status effects]
Heart Link (SnA) [Share HP]

Third Rank:
Cure 4 (Spell)
Heart Breaker (SnA) (1/10) [Cause Depression]
Strong Heart (SnA) (5/10)
Cardiac Arrest (SnA) (6/10)
One Heart (SnA) [Improved Heart Link]
Glowing Heart (Aura) [Charisma Bonus]

Aaand so on for 10 ranks.
Where Jobs like Doctor and Medic will get spells like Cure and Heal, and get skills like First Aid, Surgery and Emergency Care, and many Aspects get abilities like Regenerate and Lick Wounds, Ascendants are the only ones who get Supernatural abilities like Cardiac Arrest and Heart Link. They have many of the qualities of spells, but they aren't spells. They're powerful, but more specific -- First Aid can be used on any living creature; Heart Link only works on people you already know. Adorable gives you a flat charisma bonus that always applies -- Glowing Heart gives a better bonus, but it only works on those who already like you to some degree.

I hope this helps to clarify! And no, you can't take the Heart Discipline. :P

[Up next; Half Breeds!]
[Still have questions about Ascendants? Let me know in this post and I'll address them!]

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Untamed and free, Monsters are the strange and unpredictable communal creatures that make up one extreme of Arae Rul's population.

Like Humans, Monsters don't have a name for themselves, though they are happy to use the name 'Monster' than Humans gave them. Don't let it fool you; while many Monster are large, hulking beasts, only a small selection are genuinely vicious terrors. Monster's sometimes refer to themselves as being 'Colourful Spirits', or as 'The Heart of the Lady'. Ascendants also use the term Monster, typically, though they do sometimes use their native word for them, 'Craveous' (Sing. 'Craveum') or an insulting synonym, 'Vasaitee', meaning 'Savage'. More common nicknames for Monsters include 'Wild-touched', 'Land-Borne' and 'Chainless'.

Monsters have enormous natural potential, often exhibiting through amazing physical feats. They are not well inclined to train or refine themselves, and so their skills mostly come from their sheer natural ability. Like Humans, Monsters aren't privy to the enormous mystical potential that grants Ascendants their power, but that isn't to say that they are in any way helpless. Monsters are often natural spell casters and even without training of any sort may intrinsically understand things better than a seasoned expert. Often Monsters come across as less competent to those unfamiliar with them due to a lacking in proper lingo to explain their understanding.

Monsters earn their power from Aspects, with which they are only fundamentally aware. Aspects form and develop on instinct and need, often reactively. Monsters are born with Aspect traits which develop and grow over time. The nature of Aspects actually make Monsters more transparent than the other races, as Aspects reflect and influence the personality of the individual and normally alter their appearance as well, allowing an outsider a cursory understanding of a monster with a glance. Despite this, most know that you can't judge a Monster on looks alone.

As stated, Aspects influence the appearance of a Monster. Newly born Monsters look fairly similar to Humans, in fact, showing only basic traits of their strongest Aspects which develop as they age. As Aspects grow stronger, so does their effect on the appearance of the Monster, though some older, more powerful Monsters have exhibited abilities that they do not appear to have had an impact on their appearance, leading many to believe that powers developed later in life may not necessarily have the same impact on a Monster's body. Aspects are somewhat mysterious, as their limits and definitions are still somewhat unclear. The majority of Aspects are clearly based on the forms of beasts, including some predominant varieties (Like Wolf, Bear, Shrew and Iguana) and some less common ones (Crawfish, Antlion, Arcrat); a smaller number exist based on objects (Marionette, Cloak, Bomb) and plants and other non-animal life (Mushroom, Lichen, Tree); on rare occasions some are based on classical elements and similar varients (Fire, Stone, Ice). There could be more, but they have not been clearly observed thus far.

Monster Law is simple and intuitive, it is the law of the community, the law of intent. Crime is not clearly defined, but it is clearly enforced -- anything done of malice is a crime, more or less. Anything done with intent to harm another is punished as decided by the community. In practice, this typically means several elder Monsters agree that a crime was commited and that a punishement be enacted, and they will similarly declare the punishment. This is often a completed process in hours or at most days of the crime's observation.

Monsters punish crimes weighted on the consequences and intent over the actual crime. Someone who commits murder unintentionally or while under deception of some kind may be completely waived of punishment. Another who disrupts a group by giving them something of value, knowing they'll fight over it could be given something as extreme as exhile. This isn't to say that someone doing something terrible with innocent intent will be let off without punishment, rather it means they'll be unlikely to be punished severely for it.

Their law exists only to serve the community who supports it, and in all monster communities, the crime rate is typically exceedingly low. However, this also leaves Monsters prone to confusion when exposed to restrictive Human law or the vastly more severe and impersonal Ascendant Law. Monster Law is typically used only to keep the community going strong, so the idea of rules and predefined punishment that adress the action, not the intent, is often not understood.

Monsters often fit under one of two main schools of thought. First is 'Live and Let Live' -- don't bother anyone who doesn't bother you, et al. The other, more prevailant one would be 'We're all one under nature' -- welcome all that lives as bretherin, as close to you as blood. Because of this, Humans and Monsters have healthy ties. Humans are curious and like to see what they can learn from Monsters. Monsters are open and honest and welcome those unlike them.

The rational for this is physical in nature and easy to observe in Monster communities. Foremost, Monsters themselves are not like each other. Even from mother to child, there may be no similarity in physical traits, so Monsters are used to dealing with totally foriegn creatures from birth. Secondly, while they have a humanoid figure at their core, many Monsters lack traits that Humans take for granted, even if the trade off is enormous power and potential. Many Monsters have Claws or similar manipulators, but they may be lacking thumbs. Some are small and nimble, others large and strong; they may be mobile or powerful but little else. This has created a commonly symbiotic relationship in Monster communities, where Monsters with particular abilities help those who cannot do things themselves.

Monsters in persona tend to be reflected in their Aspects and appearance. Predictably, (as most Monsters bare a beast Aspect of some sort) most Monsters are a bit wild. They are often excitable, passionate and a little unpredictable. They may be reliable for tasks, but have a short attention span when they have nothing pressing to do. It varies widely what kind of personality traits they have, but comonalities do occur.

Lastly, Monsters have a communal approach. Since they live primarily in communities where the group acts more or less together, they are fiercly protective of their territory and neighbors from threats. Occurances of traitorism is very rare amongst Monsters, and they essentially never commit a planned crime -- crimes of passion occur, but not commonly.

Monsters do not possess their own language and speak the common tounge of Arae-Rul. But they have one particular element that makes their speech their own -- they view words as very fluid. As such, they'll say things in whatever way is most comfortable to them. They'll change words all the time for the aural aesthetics or out of easy. 'Blacksmith' might be repeated as 'Darksmith'; 'Light' could be 'Fire', 'Spark', 'Floating', or any number of alternatives.

Similarly, most monsters like to be clear and to the point, often speaking in short phrases and rarely adding much flowering to their conversation.

Monsters also aren't terribly fond of writing. They're mostly literate, but they will often produce pictograms and illustrations on paper before they create text.

Undoubtably, the Monster capitol is Circle, in the Dark Wood Province. It's a chaotic mess of a communal shelter, surrounding a single large clearing in the woods. While the city is rather rag-tag and has a shambly look to its construction, the community is, without question, one of the most welcoming places in all of Arae Rul. Everyone in Circle, Monster, Human or Ascendant is considered family. It's difficult to determine how large Circle is, as it has no planning and sprawls out, deep in to the woods.

Monsters live predominatly in the Dark Wood Province, though there is little place where they are not found in healthy pockets. There are very few of them amongst the walls of Dechpri Libri Province's cities, but even in the Ascendant homeland they can be found.

[Any questions on Monsters? Post them here and I'll adress them! Next: Ascendants!]

Monday, June 11, 2007


Humans -- as it would seem, there's no place where you can go to get away from the quintessential norm of living, sentient creatures. Arae Rul is no different, sporting humans as those walking the balance between the other two key races on the island.

However on Arae Rul, humans are not called humans. There are titles they addressed by, but they don't have a name for themselves. 'People' always seems adequate from day to day for most of them. Monsters sometimes call them 'Grounded', 'Unmarked', and 'Plain Spirits', differentiating them from themselves and the Ascendants. Ascendants, in their tongue, call them 'Inimagi' which means 'In the form of the Lady'. In common conversations, the Ascendants will sometimes use monikers like 'Ladykin' or 'Unrisen'; when they want to be disparaging they may call them 'Semivi' (meaning 'Near civilized'), which is used condescendingly.

Humans are not privy to the enormous physical power that makes the Monsters such powerhouses, nor are they capable of mastering the strange mystical powers of the Ascendants. However, they have an exceptional talent for tools and determination, making them exceptionally versatile. Quick studies, humans are able to rival Monster by being exceptionally skilled and can match Ascendants by being clever and unpredictable. They associate comfortably with both races, simply due to they expertise in adaptation.

Humans earn their skills through Jobs; these are mostly occupations and interests (Blacksmith, Dancer, etc), but they also include lifestyles (Slacker, Playboy, Trickster, etc). They give the humans access to a reasonably broad, related selection of skills which as they progress becomes more skilled at their trades as well as more well rounded. They rarely receive Bonuses or Supernatural abilities, but they do receive all other types of skills, including magic. Jobs can be learned by relation (jobs similar to ones already known) or exposure (by observing and or training with someone who already possesses a job).

Human Law is the most turmoiled law institution, compared to the other two; it tries to capture the absolute of Ascendant law, but the flexibility of Monster law. It's predominantly practiced in the Delta province, where humans are most prevalent. Councils are elected to represent the populous; they pass and overturn laws by popular vote within the council. The council also selects a series of judges (again, by popular vote) to oversee the implementation of the law. Judges are funded and are asked to enact the laws how they see fit.

In larger cities, this means that Judges hire watches or other security forces, although in some smaller places, the Judge will do all the footwork himself. Once someone has been apprehended for a crime, the Judge must allow the defendant to make a case for themselves and the Judge must bring in a third party (often the victim or another judge) to act impartially against the defendant.

If found guilty, the Judge will recommend a sentence, which must be approved by the council. There is then a thirty day period between the approval of the sentence and the enacting of the sentence, to allow for appeals. If the defendant feels they have been wrongly accused, they may appeal to another judge in the case of unfairness, to the council to review the sentence, and sometimes they may appeal to a jury, selected by lot. The sentencing is flexible in any case, which sets aside the rule-book law from the harsh laws of the Ascendants, but the whole thing is far more intricate than Monster law.

Humans, to put it in a word, like to mingle. While there are some tensions between Monsters and Ascendants, Humans like to mix it up with everyone. They can fit both extremes, even if they normally only fall slightly one way or another, making them welcome guests amongst both ends; in fact, it becomes difficult to place humans as a whole because of their tenancies to occupy almost the whole spectrum.

In a general sense, Humans tend to be welcoming and inclusive, and they're inclined to find compromise rather than favor a side. They're a tad more prone to infighting than the other races, although only slightly. They can be seen equally as peacemakers and troublemakers for many of the same reasons. The have a tendency to try and expand as much as possible and are clearly the most rapidly growing population between the three races, just surpassing Monsters.

Unlike Monsters, who generally live for the community, and Ascendants, who generally live for research, Humans have no clear goals as a race. Their communal functions are more a matter of practicality than necessity; they work together because it is beneficial, not because it is in itself their goal. While this is by no means a major flaw, it does make Humans seem a little less predictable, or perhaps reliable, than the other races.

Humans are found in virtually every place in Arae Rul, but it's generally understood that they originate from Delta Principa Province, and the largest 'human' city (and largest city in Arae Rul) is the Delta's Capitol, Keitus. Keitus, and it's sister city Brovus, occupy the largest inland island on the Delta, Etebre, the second largest island in the delta. (The island is often referred to as Delta Etebre, and the cities are often called Etebre Keitus and Etebre Brovus; this is a common convention in the Delta.)

Keitus, although an undisputed 'Human' city and capitol of the 'Human' province, is the largest and most diverse city in all of Arae Rul. Despite this, Humans still make up 45-55% of the population, which swells and recedes regularly due to travel and temporary stays.

Outside of Delta Principa, Humans are found in the largest concentrations in Lowland Province, Land's Finger Province, and Distance Province. They are found least in Land's End Province, Lady Lost Province, and Long Trail Province.

[More to come? Do you have questions about Humans in Arae Rul? Post them here and they'll be addressed! Next: Monsters]

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Welcome to the World of Arae Rul

In some distant sea filled with turbulent storms is Arae-Rul, a small island where magic roams free, communities of animal-like monsters thrive, mysterious meta-human beings perform research in grand marble halls and humans build themselves a place between the others.

This blog is here to act as a repository of information detailing the world of Arae-Rul, its inhabitants, history, legends and mysteries as well as the mechanics and design of the upcoming strategy/roleplaying campaign based in the Era, Tempus Tempera.

This place offers a space for all the details relevant to the campaign and perhaps future ones as well. Players are encouraged to participate and discuss, inquire and develop the materials as they are posted, as well as posting their own materials, such as back story, history, vignettes, world and character ideas, and discussion topics.

Introductory details of the world of Arae-Rul will follow tomorrow.

Future posts: details on Monsters, Humans and Ascendants; The World Overview; Delta Principa Overview; Dark Wood Overview; Discephri Libri Overview; The Verdus Ascendi; Nyghres; The Lanterns; The Night Watch; The Watchmakers.

More to come as things develop.

Discussion thoughts; as the game maps are being developed, I'm curious as to what appeals more to the players -- to people prefer stylized maps, or ones that feel more realistic? Is there a preference to drawn, artistic maps or something tile-based?